Princess Sosi
Nice that you found my blog! Thank you very much for your support on my social media platform. I appreciate that very much.

Instylebox Summer Edition 2020
*Advertisement Hello dear ones, nice that you are visiting my blog again. As you know from my story, I am currently struggling with my health and the craziest symptoms. That’s why this blogpost is so late. Unfortunately, I got through

Instylebox Spring Edition 2020
Advertising Spring at last! Judging by the number of blog posts I’ve had lately, you might still think of winter stiffness, but that’s not the case. Nature is already awakening, even if it still has minus degrees at night.

Review of the year 2019
Thank you 2019 for everything you have given me. The year passed in a flash. A very exciting and eventful year for me is now over and a new one begins. 2019 has taught me a lot, given me many

Advent calendar 2019
It’s time again – every year the Advent season comes faster and more stressful than one would like. For many this time of the year is the most stressful time at all. Unfortunately for me it is also very stressful